Yaşar University | Curriculum Vitae

Assist.Prof. (PhD) Şahin Çağlar Tuna

Faculty of Engineering / Department of Civil Engineering

Short CV

Sahin Caglar Tuna received his BS degree in Civil Engineering from Bogazici University in 2005, M.Eng., and PhD degrees in Geotechnical Engineering from the Ege University, in 2008 and 2014, respectively. Tuna joined the Yasar University Civil Engineering department in 2022. He taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in geotechnical engineering, and advised graduate students on Masters and research projects. His primary research interests included soil dynamics, foundation engineering and geotechnical earthquake engineering. He continues to conduct research work in the area of performance-based earthquake engineering and soil-structure interaction analysis. Tuna has served as a project design/ constructor and consultant to private firms and government agencies on projects including high-rise structures, foundation engineering, various shoring systems including instrumentation and performance evaluation.

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  • Phone 0232-570 8273  

Thesis Superviser

Master Thesis
FERDA TÜRKMEN ALANLI Çok katlı bir yapıda yapı-kazık-zemin etkileşiminin incelenmesi Ege Üniversitesi 2022
ZÜLAL KARDELEN ERGİNSOY Sığ temelli binalarda bodrum kat adedinin deprem-zemin-yapı etkileşimi bakımından incelenmesi Ege Üniversitesi 2019
PhD Thesis


Üniversite Cad. No: 37-39 Ağaçlı Yol
Bornova / İZMİR